
After you place an order on our site you will receive an email confirming your order. Your parcel will be shipped once we have processed it. You will then receive a separate email containing the shipping information.

We ship to the following countries in Europe: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Rep., Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Spain.

Parcels shipped to an address in Denmark usually take 1-2 days

Parcels shipped to an address in other European countries usually take 2-5 days

We do not currently ship to countries other than the ones mentioned above. Nor do we ship to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

You will receive a tracking link when your parcel has been shipped. This will allow you to more accurately follow your shipment.

For orders above 699 DKK shipping to pickup site (pakkeshop) is free. 

For orders delivered to addresses in Denmark below 699 DKK delivery fees are as follows:

Delivery type Delivery fee, DKK
Dao Hjemmelevering
Dao Pakkeshop 39
GLS Erhverv 39
GLS Hjemmelevering 49
GLS Pakkeshop  39


For orders below 699 DKK delivered to addresses outside Denmark delivery fees are as follows:

Delivery type Delivery fee, DKK
Sweden (GLS Home delivery)
Norway (GLS Home delivery) 110
Remaining countries 110


All potential local import taxes connected to delivery to your location will be added to the price to be paid. Specifically, for deliveries to Norway customs duties will be added to the price to be paid.

Please find our general T&Cs regarding delivery on this link

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